Friday, 25 July 2014

Inauguration of COMPASS for the academic year 2014-15

The Department of Computer Science Department inaugurated its association "COMPASS" for the academic year 2014-2015 on 25th July, 2014. Dr.C.Veerabahu, the principal, V. O. Chidambaram College, Tuticorin, presided over the function and inaugurated the association.

The programme began with the prayer song of the college. Prof. U. Kuttalingam, the head of the department, welcomed the gathering and presented a memento to the principal. Dr. C. Veerabahu, the principal,  delivered the inaugural address. Prof. S. Gomathy Nayagam, the former president of COMPASS, introduced the new President Prof. V. Sumathy Shankar to the audience. Miss.K. Kanaga Lakshmi, the student of II M.Sc. Computer Science and former secretary of COMPASS,  introduced the following newly elected office bearers:
  • Secretary – Miss. A. Gnana Bapitha (I M.Sc. Comp.Science)
  • Joint Secretary – Mr.S.Sheik Mohaideen (III B.Sc. Comp.Science)
  • Treasurer – Mr.N.Subash Chandran (III B.Sc.Comp.Science)
Then the office bearers and the members took oath. Finally Prof.V.Sumathy Shankar, the president of COMPASS, announced the proposed events  for the academic year 2014-2015. And she also proposed a vote of thanks.

Lectures on “Life Skills” followed the inauguration ceremony. The following resource persons spoke on various topics related to life skills:
  • Mr.C.A.James M.Sc.,M.Ed., M.Phil- Asst.Professor, St.Thomas College of Teacher Education, Tuticorin – gave seminar on “Adolescent Crisis”. 
  • Mrs.G.Usha M.Sc.,M.Ed., M.Phil- Asst.Professor, St.Thomas College of Teacher Education, Tuticorin – gave seminar on “Adolescent Crisis & Communication Sills”. 
  • Mr.R.Resington – Director of “Can Do Automation”, the Young Scientist of Tuticorin, gave seminar on Computer Applications.
The Secretary Miss. A.Gnana Bapitha proposed a vote of thanks to all resource persons. Prof. P.Iyadurai Selvaraj presented a memento to the resource person Mr.C.A.James. Prof. G.Gnana Thilagavathy presented a memento to the resource person Mrs.G.Usha. Prof. X.Jude Christo Cedric presented a memento to the resource person Mr.R.Resington. The inauguration ceremony ended by singing “National Anthem”.

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